
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Reading Response 9/9/12

       While I was reading, there were many times that the topic of Lily, Haywood's sister in law, came up.  Haywood and Lily have been traveling as vagabonds together, stopping occasionally in towns, trying to find a suitable place to live.  Lily and Shot, her husband who is in jail, are still married, yet recently, Haywood has been attracted to her.  Haywood is very confused and thinks to himself, "She was my brother's wife.  I never for one instant forgot it.  To allow any feelings at all was dangerous.  Yet, she had an easy way about her, easy to watch, and relaxing in a way I couldn't help......I wanted to gather up handfuls of her hair and bury my face in it, or just run my knuckle back behind the velvet of her earlobe." 

      After I read this, I started to notice many other times in the book when Haywood was showing affection for Lily.  It starts to raise some questions- Is this appropriate?  What would Shot think if he found out?  Why are they both falling in love when they know they shouldn't be?  I think that these are all questions that Haywood is trying to answer for himself right now.  I know that sometimes people are attracted to others, even if they know they're married, but it seems like these two really go together, like they're meant to be.  It almost feels like the author is trying to make it seem like Lily is still single, and turn this into a love story.  However, I'm sure if Shot ever found out that his wife and brother have a "thing," the author would play up the whole new storyline of a fight over Lily.  I'm interested to see the way this book pans out and I hope to finish it soon!

Reading Time- Looking After Lily Total:150 minutes

9/5- 11 minutes
9/9- 35 minutes
9/9- 64 minutes
110 minutes- 57 pgs.


Norton Narratives:
9/9- 40 minutes


  1. Sounds like an intresting story! I'll add it to my list. I like how you included the qoute from the book. However, there may have been a teensy bit too much plot summary.

  2. This sounds like a book that I would like to read sometime soon. I like the detail you put in it, it makes it seem quite appealing to me. Also, I really like the quote, it was a nice touch.
