
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Litteracy Narrative Process

       When I wrote my first draft of my litteracy narrative, I looked at it and thought, "This is awful."  I was really unhappy with it, so I asked my mom to read over it and give me a few quick suggestions.  I changed a few things, and I was making some progress, but it was late so I went to bed.  Then next day, I read my sister's litteracy narrative, and at first it made me feel even worse about mine, but then I used hers as an example to make mine better.  I kept working at it, changing this and that, until I was satisfied.  The next day we got into our narrative groups, mine composed of me, Matthew, and Mary Beth.  Mary Beth read hers first, and it was really good.  We gave her some good feedback, and then I read mine.  I was a little hesitant to read it because compared to Mary Beth's, I didn't think mine was so good.  But when I read my litteracy narrative, I realized that it was acutally good in it's own way! 
       I have been working hard to use all of the suggestions that Mary Beth and Matthew gave me, and hopefully I will turn out victorious over this assignment.  I am going to work some more on developing the strong, emphatic turning points in my essay, so that they are even more dramatic.  I want to get across to the reader that once these turning points happened, things changed, and my life was better.  I think that I should be more confident in my writing because I know that when I really did down deep, I am acutally a decent writer. 


Girl With a Pearl Earring: 9/23/12- 45 minutes
Litteracy Narrative- 1 hour, 45 Minutes

Total- 150 minutes

1 comment:

  1. Good job, Dru, in realizing that you should be more confident in your writing. I'm sure your literacy narrative is going to be great. It's good that you are going to make the turning points more dramatic because it would be more fun for the reader to read.
