
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Reading Response

In my reading of The Memory Keeper's Daughter this week, Paul's dad refused to let him go to Juliard, brought home a pregnant 16 year old girl to live with them, and fought endlessly with his mom.  While Paul is trying to find a way to live his dream of being a musician, his parents are also trying to find a way to live their dream life.  It seems like they should already have their lives settled by now, but it is the choices they made early in life that have led them to where they are today.

Paul's parents are now suffering because of their mistakes earlier in life, and they constantly remind each other of them every day.   When his parents start having troubles again, Paul runs away from home because he can't handle his surroundings while also searching inside himself to try to plan his life.  It's time he starts college and makes a life of his own, but now he has stollen a car, and could end up in jail.  This was caused by Paul trying to escape from his mom and dad's crazy lives, the result of the mistakes they made early on.  But now Paul has made a big mistake too.  It will affect him for the rest of his life, and just like his parents, probably leave an effect on his children.  Actions can be forgiven and forgotten, but weather you know it or not, the dents you leave in other people's lives stay there.  It creates a domino effect, and before you know it, everyone around you seems like they're drowning in the mess that you created.  People need to think before they act and realize how drastically their actions could change their lives, and the lives of others.

The Memory Keeper's Daughter:

3/25- 40 minutes, 30 pgs
3/26- 10 minutes, 7 pgs
4/7- 100 minutes, 60 pages
Total: 150 minutes, 97 pgs

1 comment:

  1. I like how you not the fact that the parents "struggles" won't leave them. Its sort of like once you make a mistake people may forgive, but they never forget.
