
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Reading Response

       I started a new book this week called The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards.  I have read the first two chapters, and so far it is really good, but sad.  It starts off on a cold night, and a couple are talking and getting excited about their baby that will be born soon.  But later that night, Norah, the mom, goes into labor early, and has twins: one beautiful, healthy boy, and one girl with Down Syndrome, which will cause her to have problems in the future.  The husband is a doctor, and delivers the children, but when he delivers the girl, he gives her to the nurse and doesn't tell his wife.  It is not until later that night that he tells his wife that they had a girl that died at birth, but really he told the nurse to bring the baby to an institute. 
       I can understand why he doesn't want to tell the wife, because his sister had Down Syndrome, and he doesn't want to see her suffer like his mom did watching the child grow up.  But, I think that he should have told the wife as soon as she woke up out of labor, and they should've made a decision together.  Even if they didn't feel like they couldn't take care of the baby and needed to send it to another home, that would've been fine if they had disscussed it.  I would not like to have my husband keep a secret like that from me.
       I think that trust is one of the most important things in a relationship.  You have to be able to trust that your husband or wife is telling you the truth all the time, and that is something that should be established early on in the relationship.  Also, you need to be able to trust your spouse with your money, because many couples get into fights over that.  Finally, there should be the highest level of trust that your wife or husband won't go cheat on you.  That is the purpose of marriage, so that you are bound together forever.  I hope that this couple figures this out and are able to trust eachother in the future.

The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards:

10/29/12- 10 mins, 3 pgs
10/30/12- 10 mins, 6 pgs
10/31/12- 10 mins, 7 pgs
11/1/12- 10 mins, 6 pgs
11/3/12- 1 hour, 30 pgs
11/4/12- 50 mins, 26 pgs

Total: 2 hours and 30 minutes, 78 pages

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