
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Semester 1 Exam

       I cannot believe that we are almost to exams!  It seems like just yesterday that the second quarter was starting, and our teachers well telling us to make sure to get off on the right foot and turn in all our assignments.  Middle school exams weren't too bad, but I don't know how they will compare to high school exams.  However, I have learned how to study and I'm confident that if I study and do my work, I will do well.
       This semester in English has been good, and we have certainly learned a lot.  I know that the exam will have a lot of writing about it, just like the test.  I feel good about literary analysis because we have been doing that throughout middle school.  I think that I will need to review the short stories- maybe read over them or discuss the plot a little just to refresh my memory.  Also, it would be helpful if we discussed literary elements again.  Finally, I would like to know how we are going to be tested on summer reading, and I plan on reviewing that in and out of class.


  1. I think freshman year high-school exams will be almost an exact clone of last year's exams. Except for subjects like biology and geometry, there will be no difference, the workload will just be increased. Its all about time management.

  2. This whole semester has gone by really fast for me. I feel like I need to read back over all the short stories we read as a class and then just look over everything else we covered. After doing that, I think I will be ready.

  3. The time is here and it's the moment of truth. I feel just like you about being confident and ready to go. now, It's time to prove it.
