
Sunday, August 26, 2012

In Defense of Praying, A Catholic Teenager's Manifesto

       I am Catholic, as is most everyone on my mom's side of our family.  We get together as a family a lot and almost always the topic of church comes up.  My grandmother is a strict Catholic and goes to church every Sunday, and sometimes once or twice more throughout the week.  It is kind of pitiful to realize that she goes to church that much, but sometimes our family "can't make it" once a week on Sunday.  The truth is, we can make it to church, we just have to make it one of our priorities.

       With the busy life of school, sports, and homework, the goal of going to church three times a week, or even once a week seems unattainable.  Sometimes, we give in and don't go to church, and then end up not even thinking about God for the rest of the day.  The least we can do is pray for a few minutes.  However, most people have the same excuse.  "I don't have time".  But really all it takes is a few seconds.  You don't have to write a 10 page letter to God in you're mind.  It can be a simple, "Thanks God", when something pleases you.   At night, I get stressed because I am already tired from a long day of school and swimming, and then I have a pile of homework to do.  I have found that if I can surrender even five minutes of my precious time to God to pray and meditate, it keeps me so less stressed.  I have been working on praying more, and it really has helped me in more ways than I have imagined.


  1. Dru, that was amazing. Literally I have the same problem at my house.Both of my parents are catholic and my mom Is always talking about going to church more even though on some sundays she "too tired" like the rest of the family. When my Nana was sick I prayed every night for tho get better, until I found out one day after school that she had passed. I could not believe that I prayed so hard for nothing and God let me down. After that I had some doubts in God. I finally realized that this happened for the best and It was her time. Some nights I find myself dreaming about her and I still playing our games like she was still alive.

  2. I know exactly what you mean! Life can feel so off balance sometimes, and religion doesn't seem like a top priority at the end of the day. I used to not be interested in going to church or have faith in God at all, but after leaning on God after going through troubled times, I understood how important it is to maintain a relationship with God. I'm really glad that praying has helped you tremendously! :)
